What are the QAP global options (for QAP before v10)?
This page is for Quick Access Popup v9. For options of QAP v10, see this page.
In the Settings dialog box, click the Options button to open the Options dialog box. This dialog box contains six tabs.
In the General tab:
- To enable folders navigation in file dialog boxes (Open, Save As, etc.), check the Change folders in dialog boxes with the main QAP hotkeys.
- Select your working Language.
- Choose the colors Theme of QAP Settings and other windows.
- Change the location of the Temporary folder created to store small images, language files and working files required at run time.
- Set the location of the Shared Menu Catalogue where Shared menu can easily be added to user’s menu.
- Select Run at Startup option to launch Quick Access Popup automatically when you boot Windows.
- Display Startup Tray tip in the Notification zone.
- Select the Check for updates to be informed when new QAP versions become available.
- Remember Settings and Add/Edit favorite windows.
- Run Quick Access Popup as an administrator.
- Set Snippets options defaults values.
In the Menu tab:
- Display the popup menu near the mouse pointer, in the active window or at a fix position.
- Display hotkey reminders in menu in short or long format.
- Set the number of items in the Recent folders and Recent Files.
- Set the number of items in the Repeat actions menu.
- Automatically add favorites in Main menu at Top of menu or Bottom of menu when added with Add this Folder or Link, Add this Folder or Link Express and Add favorite from Explorer context menus.
- Display the Drives, Recent Folders and Recent Files menus attached or detached from the popup menu.
- Select the option to use Display Numeric Menu Shortcuts to launch favorites with your keyboard.
- Open the menu when hitting the QAP menu trigger on the Windows taskbar.
- Add Close to menus created by QAP allowing to dismiss them if clicking elsewhere does not dismiss the menu.
- Display or hide menu icons, and choose menu icons size (available on Windows workstations only).
- Enable automatic Shared menus and Live folders Menu refresh and set refresh frequency.
- Enable or disable QAP Explorer Context menus.
In the Hotkeys tab:
- Change the mouse triggers to open the QAP popup menu (by default, middle mouse button and Shift+MMB).
- Choose the keyboard triggers to open the QAP Alternative menu (by default, Windows+W and Shift+Windows+W).
- Set the Hotstrings default options.
In the Alternative Hotkeys tab:
- Set mouse or keyboard shortcuts for Alternative menu features.
- Enable the double-press of Left or Right Control key to open the QAP popup menu.
In the Exclusions tab:
- Manage the exclusion list of applications where the QAP mouse menu trigger is blocked.
- Use the Get window info button to identify the window to exclude.
In the File managers tab:
- Enable support for Directory Opus, Total Commander or Universal file manager support.
- When opening the QAP menu outside of Windows Explorer, set if you it to open the folders in a new Explorer window (default) or in the current (or last used) Explorer window.