How do I make sure that Quick Access Popup is launched when I start Windows?

If you installed Quick Access Popup with the Easy Setup installation, the application is launched automatically when you start Windows. If you prefered the portable installation (ZIP file) you will see hot to enable the auto-start here (this will create a shortcut in the Windows Startup folder).

This option can be turned on or off in one of these ways.

  • Right-click the QAP icon in the Notification Area (System Tray) menu to open the QAP system menu and select/deselect Run at Startup.
  • In the Customize dialog box, select Options, General in the menu bar to open the Options dialog box and check/uncheck the Run at Startup option in General tab.

Notes for users who choose portable install: When you install a the new version of QAP, the shortcut in your Startup folder is automatically updated to launch the new version, if automatic startup is enabled.