How can I restore my icons that got replaced after I updated from Windows 7 to Windows 10?

Wrong icons imported from Windows 7 under Windows 10

Wrong icons imported from Windows 7 to Windows 10

NOTE: The following info is for users who installed QAP under Windows 7 and upgraded to Windows 10.

Quick Access Popup is using icons from Windows files “shell32.dll” and “imageres.dll” found in the “System32” Windows folder. Microsoft has the bad practice of slightly changing the order of the icons in these files at every major release (and even, sometimes, in service packs).

This has for consequence that, after a Windows update, some QAP favorite icons in QAP suddenly show to the wrong icons in the popup menu. For example, if you just upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10, you will see the submenu icon changed to a surprising blue rounded arrow. To fix this issue, you have to following options (from the quickest to the safest):

1) Download and run the little utility QAPupdateIconsWin10. It will scan your settings file and update every icons number that changed from Windows 7 to Windows 10. It is better to do this just after you upgraded to Windows 10. If you added icons using Windows 10 since you upgraded, there is a slight risk that the app would replace icons numbers that would not need it.

Icons fixed with QAPupdateIconsWin10 utility.

Icons fixed with QAPupdateIconsWin10 utility.

2) Use te QAP Settings window to edit manually the changed icons. I agree, this can be tedious.

3) Use a text editor and open the QuickAccessPopup.ini file. The replace the following strings in the settings file:

Replace from “imageres.dll,203” to “imageres.dll,204” (Special Folders icon)
Replace from “imageres.dll,208” to “imageres.dll,209” (Donate icon)
Replace from “imageres.dll,217” to “imageres.dll,201” (Add This Folder icon)
Replace from “shell32.dll,297” to “shell32.dll,299” (Group Save icon)
Replace from “shell32.dll,298” to “shell32.dll,300” (Submenu icon)
Replace from “shell32.dll,301” to “shell32.dll,319” (Options icon)
Replace from “shell32.dll,304” to “shell32.dll,324” (Application icon)
Replace from “shell32.dll,305” to “shell32.dll,325” (Switch icon)