Can I backup, import or export my favorites and options?
(2023-08-29 – this page has been updated to v11.6.2.3 )
First, about backups, QAP is automatically copying daily backups of your main settings file (QuickAccessPopup.ini) and keep the backups for the last 5 days in the backup folder selected in the Options, General tab. You can retrieve a backup file by putting aside the current QuickAccessPopup.ini file and rename the backup file from QuickAccessPopup-backup-YYMMDD.ini to QuickAccessPopup.ini.
If you need more flexibility, the QAP features Export Options and Favorites, Import Options and Import Favorites can be uses for two reasons:
- exchange settings (favorites and options) between different PCs or different users;
- create a backup of your favorites and global options in a file that you can save where you want.

To open the Import and Export dialog boxes, select one of the entries in the File menu in the Customize window menu bar. You can also add these features to your QAP menu by adding a QAP Feature found under the QAP Management section.
Exporting Options and Favorites
- Choose the Destination file that will be created (if it does not exist) to store your exported data. The last destination file is remembered and displayed as default file. The path can include the %A_NowUTC% and %A_NowUTC% variables, environment variables, QAP user variables and placeholders. For example, the file name my-export-%A_Now%.ini would be converted to my-export-20230829112529.ini.
- Choose the settings category to export: global options, hotkeys, alternative menu hotkeys and modifiers, themes and favorites.
- Click the Export button.
- You will be alerted if settings exist in the destination file and asked if you want to overwrite them or not. For favorites, you will be asked if you wish to overwrite or append the imported favorites. A report will summarize the completed actions.

Importing Options
- Choose the Source file containing the data to import. The last source file is remembered and displayed as default file. The path can include environment variables, QAP user variables and placeholders.
- Choose the settings category to import: global options, hotkeys, alternative menu hotkeys and modifiers, and themes.
- Click the Import button.
- You will be asked if you want to overwrite existing settings or not. A report will summarize the completed actions.

Importing Favorites
Favorites can be imported in the Add Multiple Favorites dialog box available under Edit, Add Multiple Favorites. This dialog box offers many source options. To import favorites from a QAP settings file, select QAP Settings File (tree view). You can also access this dialog box with this option selected by choosig the menu File, Import Favorites. More info on adding multiple favorites, see: Can I add multiple favorites in one click?

- To import settings, the source file content must comply with QuickAccessPopup.ini structure. More info about ini file anatomy here: What is the structure of QAP settings (ini) file?.
- Note: before QAP v10.3.2, the import/export features had an undocumented size limitation. This was an issue if the size of the [Favorites] section of you settings file was larger than 65,532 characters. This is why, for safety, it is mandatory to update QAP to v10.3.2 (or more recent) before using the Export command.