What are the values in the QAP settings (ini) file?

Normally, the QAP settings can be modified using the QAP Customize and Options windows and you don’t need to edit the .ini file containing your favorites and your preferred configuration. But if, for some specific operation, you need to edit this file named QuickAccessPopup.ini, see How can I edit the file QuickAccessPopup.ini? in the FAQ. See also What is the structure of QAP settings (ini) file? for an explanation of the settings files organization.

The following list describe all variables found in the QuickAccessPopup.ini file with a reference to the FAQ page about the related feature.

This info is reserved to QAP advanced users who know what they do and do it at their own risk. QAP does not always validate the info entered directly in the settings file before using it, which could lead to unpredictable results. Handle with care…

ActiveFileManager1File manager used when opening a folder in a new window
1: WindowsExplorer
2: DirectoryOpus
3: TotalCommander
4: QAPconnect (about 50 other file managers)
AddAutoAtTop1 (true)Add new favorite at the top (if true) or bottom (if false) when adding with commands "Add This Folder", "Add This Folder Express" or with QAP Explorer Context menus.Help
AddCloseToDynamicMenus1 (true)Add a close menu allowing to dismiss the QAP menu. This menu entry can be turned off if user prefer to dismiss the menu by click elsewhere (but this is known as not working 100% of times)Help
AlternativeHotkeyKeyboard+#WKeyboard hotkey to open the QAP Alternative menu ("+" stands for Shift and "#" for Windows)Help
AlternativeHotkeyMouse+MButtonMouse button to open the QAP Alternative menu ("+" stands for Shift and "MButton" for middle mouse button)Help
AlternativeTrayIcon(none)File path of an image to use as a replacement for standard QAP icon in the Notification zoneHelp
AvailableThemesWindows|Grey|Light Blue|Light Green|Light Red|YellowList of themes described in this settings fileHelp
BackupFolder(working directory)Location of the backups of quickaccesspopup.ini file (also supported in Shared menus with QAP v10+)Help
ChangeFolderInDialog0 (false)Allow QAP to change folder in file dialog boxesHelp
ChangeFolderInDialogAlertRead0 (false)Confirm that user read the info about risk of trying to change folder in a "non-file" dialog boxHelp
Check4Update0 (false, for portable) / 1 (true, for setup)Allow QAP to check on QAP website if a new version is availableHelp
DefaultMenuBuilt0 (false)Informs QAP that the default menu "My QAP Esssentials" and "My Special Folders" were built (normally at first QAP execution)Help
DiagMode0 (false)Enable diagnostic mode for debugging purpose (collecting data in the file QuickAccessPopup-DIAG.txt while executing specific functions)
DirectoryOpusNewTabOrWindow(none)Parameter sent to Directory Opus when opening a folder in a new window or tab ("NEW" or "NEWTAB")Help
DirectoryOpusPath(none)Path to the executable file of the file manager Directory OpusHelp
DirectoryOpusUseTabs1 (true)Instructs QAP to open folders in a new tab (if true) or in a new instance of Directory Opus (if false)Help
DisplayIcons1 (true)Instructs QAP to display menu iconsHelp
DisplayMenuShortcuts0 (false)Instructs QAP to display menu shortcuts (numbers or letters allowing to select menu item by hitting its number or letter)Help
DisplayTrayTip1 (true)Instructs QAP to display the popup in the Notification zone when menu is ready after startupHelp
DynamicMenusRefreshRate10000Number of milliseconds between background refresh of dynamic menus (not used at this time)Help
ExclusionMouseList(none)List of applications or windows where the QAP main menu mouse trigger will be ignored; part of the window title or window class name, separated by vertical bar (|); if prefixed by "*", the exclusion also apply to app's dialog boxesHelp
ExplorerContextMenus1Indicate if Explorer context menu were enabled by setup program or by QAP in Options, or disabled in QAP Options. Chaging this value in setings file have no effect and should be avoided.Help
ExternalMenusCataloguePath(none)Path to the catalogue root on a shared driveHelp
ExternalMenusCataloguePathReadOnly0 (false)When set to "1" prevent user from enabling/disabling the catalogue or changing its path in the Options dialog boxHelp
HotkeyReminders3Display hotkey reminders in menu in short or long format
1: Do not display
2: Display abbreviated names
3: Display full names
IconSize32Size of icons in QAP menu, in pixelsHelp
IconsManageRows(none)Number of rows to display in the Manage Icons windowHelp
LanguageCodeENCode of the active language ("FR", "PT-BR", etc.)Help
LastExportFile(none)File of the last Export settings action, proposed as default for next exportHelp
LastExportFolder(working directory)Folder used for the last Export settings actionHelp
LastImportFolder(working directory)Folder used for the last Import settings actionHelp
LastModified(none)(Used in shared menus settings file only) Last file modification date-time of the shared menu ini file, taken from the file system and is be independent from various user's clocks or time zones. It is stored in the "yyyymmddhh24miss" format. Used to detect if a shared menu file was modified by another user since QAP was loaded.Help
LastVersionUsedAlpha0.0Last alpha version used (for internal use)
LastVersionUsedBeta0.0Last beta version used (for internal use)
LastVersionUsedProd0.0Last version used (for internal use)
LatestVersionSkipped0.0Last version skipped using the Check for update command (for internal use)
LatestVersionSkippedBeta0.0Last beta version skipped using the Check for update command (for internal use)
LeftControlDoublePressed0 (false)Open the QAP main menu by pressing the Left Control key twice within 400 ms (if 1)Help
MenuName(none)(Used in shared menus settings file only) Name of a shared menu shown in various dialog boxes and used as default name when user adds the shared menu from the Shared Menus CatalogueHelp
MenuReservedBy(none)(Used in shared menus settings file only) Windows logon name and computer name of the user currently editing the shared menu, menu is not reserved if emptyHelp
MenuType1(Used in shared menus settings file only) Type of shared menu: 1 (Personal), 2 (Collaborative) or 3 (Centralized)Help
NavigateOrLaunchHotkeyKeyboard#WKeyboard shortcut showing the QAP main menuHelp
NavigateOrLaunchHotkeyMouseMButtonMouse button/keyboard combination showing the QAP main menuHelp
NbLastActions10Maximum number of items in the Repeat Last Actions menuHelp
NbLiveFolderItemsMax500Maximum number of items in a menu (including submenus) for a Live Folder favoriteHelp
OpenMenuOnTaskbar1 (true)Allow the popup menu mouse hotkey to open the QAP menu when clicked over the Windows taskbarHelp
PopupFixPosition20,20Coordinate where the QAP popup menu is shown (x, y) when the PopupMenuPosition is set to "At fix position" (3) or as close as possible to it; x can be greater than the first screen limit to display the menu on a second screenHelp
PopupMenuPosition1Display the popup menu near the mouse position (1), at top-left of the active window (2) or at a fix positionHelp
QAPconnectFileManager(none)Name of the selected external file manager as it appears between square brackets in the QAPconnect.ini fileHelp
QAPconnectNewTabOrWindow(none)Instructs QAP to open folders in a new tab (if true) or in a new instance of the file manager selected in the QAPconnect list (if false)Help
QAPconnectPath(none)Path to the executable file of the file manager selected in the QAPconnect listHelp
RecentFoldersMax10Number of items to show in the Recent Folders menuHelp
RememberSettingsPosition1 (true)Remember the QAP Settings position when QAP is closed open the Settings at this location at next launchHelp
RightControlDoublePressed0 (false)Open the QAP main menu by pressing the Right Control key twice within 400 ms (if 1)Help
RunAsAdminfalseLaunch QAP with administrative privileges (from v8.7.1)Help
SearchWithStats0 (false)Select if the favorites list and search result list display additional columns with last modification date, creation date and, if the database is enabled, last usage date and usage frequency.Help
SettingsPosition-1 (center at minimal size)Position where Settings window will be displayed if RememberSettingsPosition option is 1 (true); X,Y,W,H (left, top, width and height)Help
Startups1Number of startups since the ini file was created (for internal use)
SwitchSettingsFolder(working directory)Folder of the last switched settings file, used as default for next switch actionHelp
ThemeWindowsCurrent theme used for Settings, various dialog boxes and popup menu colors, one of the themes in AvailableThemesHelp
TotalCommanderNewTabOrWindow(none)Parameter sent to Total Commander when opening a folder in a new window or tab ("/O /T" or "/N")Help
TotalCommanderPath(none)Path to the executable file of the file manager Total CommanderHelp
TotalCommanderUseTabs1 (true)Instructs QAP to open folders in a new tab (if true) or in a new instance of Total Commander (if false)Help
TotalCommanderWinCmd(none)Location of the wincmd.ini file whre are read the Total Commander hotlistHelp
UnderstandChangeFoldersInDialogRisk0 (false)Flag that uer read and accepted the caution note about trying to change forler in a non-file dialog boxHelp
UseClassicButtons0 (false)Display old back and white buttons in Settings windowHelp
UserBanner(none)Optional text added to the app name in the Settings window header, no validation of lenght, keep it short
WaitDelayInDialogBox100delay in milliseconds when changing folder in dialog box to help with an intermittent issue in in some apps like FirefoxHelp
WaitDelayInSnippet40|80|180Duration in milliseconds of three delays inserted while pasting text snippets (from v8.7.1.94)Help
WriteAccessMessage(none)(Used in shared menus settings file only) Message displayed to user having only read-only access to a centralized menu when they try to edit the menu. It can be used to direct the user to the menu administrator.
WriteAccessUsers(none)(Used in shared menus settings file only) Users who can edit a centralized shared menu, one or multiple Windows logon names, separated by coma or semi-colonHelp
SearchFromMain1 (true)When searching, scan favorites starting from Main menu (if false, searching starts from the menu currently displayed in the "Customize" window)
SearchWithLocale1 (true)When searching favorites in the "Customize" window, use the locale settings (e.g. making "�" considered as "e")