How do I enable Directory Opus support in Quick Access Popup?

Quick Access Popup is fully compatible with the new Directory Opus version 12!
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Quick Access Popup is fully compatible with Directory Opus, an impressive file manager program written by GPSoftware, in Australia. Directory Opus (DOpus) replaces Windows Explorer and integrates lots of features, including file compression, FTP capabilities, folder syncing and much more.

QAP is fully aware of DOpus capabilities and utilizes them via the internal DOpusRt.exe commands to offer seamless and reliable integration.

Directory Opus support

  • Automatic (but optional) enabling of DOpus support if the software is found on your system.
  • Seamlessly change a DOpus lister to user favorite folders, recent folders or Special folders (My Computer, Network Neighborhood, Recycle Bin, etc.).
  • Integration of Directory Opus Favorites and Directory Opus Layouts to the QAP menu.
  • Easily add the folder currently displayed in a lister to your favorites with the Add Active Folder or Web page menu.
  • Switch to a folder open in an existing lister with the Current Windows menu.
  • Switch instantly any file dialog boxes (File Open, Save As, etc.) to the folder active in a Directory Opus lister or Windows Explorer with the Reopen Current Folder in Dialog Box menu.
  • Open any folder active in a Directory Opus lister or Windows Explorer with the Reopen a Folder menu.
  • Restore groups of related folders in desired tabs and sides.
  • Adapted support for Special folders and FTP sites in DOpus.

How-to enable DOpus support

When you start it for the first time, Quick Access Popup checks if DOpus is installed on your computer (looking for the file [Program Files]GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopus.exe). If it is found, it asks if you wish to enable Directory Opus integration. If you answer Yes, it records the DOpus.exe file path in the Settings, Options dialog box.


If DOpus is installed on your system after QAP or is installed in folder not found by Quick Access Popup, you can manually enable integration by browsing to your DOpus.exe file in the Options dialog box, File managers tab.

Directory Opus Favorites and Layouts

You can also add the Directory Opus Favorites menu manually from the QAP Features list. In the Customize window click Add, select the QAP Feature type, under the Dynamic Menus category, select Directory Opus Favorites and click the Add button, then Save your changes.

DOpus layouts are included by default under the QAP DOpus favorites menu but there is an option if you prefer not to include them if you do not use Layouts. Note that all layouts are displayed in this menu. QAP currently does not exclude layouts that would have the Hide option checked.