Can I change the location of my QAP settings folder?
Yes, with QAP v10 (or more recent), if you installed QAP with the Easy Setup file. See below if you choose to install with the Portable ZIP file. See also: Where is the QAP settings folder (also known as “working directory”)?
You can change the Settings folder in Options, General tab. Select the new folder in the Settings Folder text box and click Save.
When saving the new location, QAP asks why you want to change the Settings Folder location.
- If you want to copy your current settings to a new location and run QAP from this location in the future, select Copy.
- If you want to use the setting already found in this new location when QAP will be restarted, click New. If this location does not contain QAP settings (namely, the quickaccesspopup.ini file), new settings files will be created in this folder.
In both cases, the settings files in the original (old) folder are not deleted. Remove them at your convenience after you completed the operation at your satisfaction.
Location of the Settings Folder if you are running in Portable mode (ZIP file)
If you preferred the portable installation, by default the Settings Folder is where the QuickAccessPopup.exe program is running.
In this type of installation, you can set a different Settings Folder by editing the QAP shortcut in the Startup folder (or create your own shortcut) and set the QAP Settings Folder directory in the Start in: field of the shortcut.
Alternatively, you could also set the Settings Folder using a the “/Working:” command-line parameter. For example:
C:\MyFolder\QuickAccessPopup.exe /Working:C:\MySettings
The “/Working:” parameter can be set at the command line, in a Windows file shortcut or in the current user registry Run key for Quick Access Popup.
This parameter has precedence on the Settings Folder value in the Options, General tab.