[Wishlist] Run a background task to refresh Recent Folders menu (and Running Applications menu eventually)

Actually, the Recent Folders menu is shown in a separate menu because of the time it would take to refresh the Recent Folders menu each time the popup menu is displayed. Showing Recent Folders submenu as part of the main menu would slow down the display of the popup menu and make it less snappy.

The solution I’m think of is to write a background task that would refresh the Recent Folders submenu every x minutes. We would have to determine the best refresh frequency not to impact the PC performance (thinking here of the slowest PCs) .

This would also require much testing to make sure the background process and the popup menu process work well together (no collision or locking issues, etc.) But I’d like to work on this in a future version. The background task could also refresh the list of running applications (re: this other suggestion).