Quick Access Popup is getting ready!
(2015-11-08) Welcome to my new project ! Quick Access Popup is the next generation of the popular Windows freeware Folders Popup. It will offer all the features in Folders Popup plus additions made possible by a complete rewrite of the application.
From your custom popup menu, Quick Access Popup will launch your most used folders, documents, applications, websites and FTP sites, plus all sort of special features to ease and accelerate your work. And it will still be freeware!
Quick Access Popup is now at the beta tests stage. Until it is ready for public release, you can:
- Join the beta testers group if you have the time and the technical interest to give this software a try, provide valuable feedback or help uncover bugs
- Download Folders Popup (Folders Popup setting will be upward compatible with Quick Access Popup)
- Add suggestions, comment or vote on existing suggestions on the Quick Access Popup withlist
- Ask questions or give general feedback on my blog (use the comment link)
Thank you for your support!
Note: User comments and reviews in this website’s header are for Folders Popup, current incarnation of QAP. They will apply to QAP, for sure :-).
Icons by: Visual Pharm.