News from the developer’s desk
(2015-08-28) The development of Quick Access Popup is going very well! In the last four months, I completely redesigned the internal architecture of the application. This, by itself, will not be visible by the Folders Popup users. But this new platform makes it easier to add new features and to build a more flexible tool to edit your popup menu and favorites.
The “Settings” window now allow to manage nine type of favorites:
- Folders
- Documents
- Applications
- Special Folders (50 predefined Windows folders including Computer, Recycle Bin, Downloads, etc.)
- Links (URL)
- FTP sites (with username and password)
- QAP Features (a dozen of special menus or commands of including Reuse an Open Folder, Recent Folders, Add This Folder, etc.)
- Submenus
- and Groups
Some of the changes in Quick Access Popup deserving mention:
- In addition to being easily accessible using the popup menu, any favorite destination (folders, applications, documents, etc.) can now be associated with a keyboard or mouse shortcut.
- Favorites are now be powered by advanced settings like preset window position, launching application, and working directory.
- The QAP features menu entries (Reuse an Open Folder, Recent Folders, Add This Folder, etc.) can now be inserted where you want, in the main menu (as in Folders Popup) or in any submenu.
- Management of Groups is integrated with submenus and favorites. Groups are now a special kind of submenus where the all favorites in a group are launched in one click. Favorites can be moved from regular submenus to groups and vice-versa.
There is still a lot of work to do. I could not give a target release date. But I would say that more than half of the work is done. I will soon start the alpha testing phase with invited seasoned Folders Popup users who already helped debugging Folders Popup in the last years. As soon as the app is stable and complete enough, I will move to the beta test phase. If you would like to participate to beta test, please leave a comment in this message or send me an email to
Stay tuned!
PS: And even if all new features suggested on this site will not be in the first release, you can still vote for your preferred items on the wishlist or make a new suggestion by adding a comment to this post: Welcome to the Quick Access Popup wishlist!