How does QAP work on multi-monitor systems?
When QAP detects that it is running on a dual or multi-monitor system, it adjusts it behavior in two ways.
Open new Windows Explorer windows on active monitor
(This post applies to QAP v9.3.2 and more recent.)
When the option On a multi-monitor system, always open the Explorer window on the active monitor is checked and QAP detects that it is running on a dual or multi-monitor system, it will open the new Explorer windows at the center of the active monitor.
QAP determines which monitor is the active monitor in one of the following ways:
- if the QAP menu was open using the mouse trigger (for example, the default Middle Mouse Button), it will open the Explorer window on the monitor where the mouse pointer was positioned when the menu was open;
- if the menu was open using the keyboard trigger (by default Windows + W) or if the favorite was launched using a keyboard shortcut, QAP will open the Explorer window on the monitor where is located the currently active application window.
Note for Directory Opus users: DOpus offers an option that will make new listers to be opened on the active monitor. Search for Default Lister Positioning in the DOpus options window.
Settings windows
(This post applies to QAP v9.3.1 and more recent.)
If the option Remember Settings window position is checked, QAP will reopen its Settings window at the last position you moved it in the current or last session. However, it the screen configuration has changed (you added/removed a monitor, changed a monitor resolution or selected a different primary monitor), QAP will reset it Settings window position to the center of the primary monitor. This will prevent the Settings window to be restored on a monitor or screen region that is no longer visible.
Also, all secondary settings windows (Options, Select favorite type, Add/Edit/Copy/Move Favorite, Add Shared menu from catalogue, Manage Hotkeys, Manage Icons, About, Donate and Help) are now always positioned on top of the Settings window. In addition, QAP will remember the width of the Add/Edit/Copy/Move Favorite windows in order to allow very long Parent menu names to be fully displayed.