[Wishlist] Share clipboard between users sharing a network or cloud drive
Suggestion from Joe Glines based on ClipShare.
“The greatest tool that Microsoft didn’t make.” – JarisGV on QAP Forum
Suggestion from Joe Glines based on ClipShare.
From John H.
Win Sparkle
Video: Quick Example
Notes – JL (2018-07-31):
AutoHotkey wrapper! WinSparkle with AHK
About WinSparle… From what I can see in this video, I don’t see much difference with what is already coded inside QAP: check for update at launch of on demand, direct link to download the setup or portable file (see screen capture), and the rest is the execution of the setup file (note: this is not available for beta version but these beta versions are for a small private group of users). The only difference I see is that WinSparke saves the step of downloading and running the setup file. Am I missing something?
Note (2018-07-31)
This was suggested some time ago. I do not remember by who. I did some research on it. It is possible to use the CapsLock key as a modifier. But this technique works and is easy to code in a standalone script when the hotkeys are saved inside the script itself. But it would be harder in QAP because it needs to save/retrieve the hotkeys selected by the user in the ini file. Doing it makes the use of the “#If” command much more complex. Same goes for using Scroll or NumLock as modifiers. This is why I’ll put this suggestion on the abandoned list for now.
Suggestion from pleiades.
Until this is developed, you can manually set the menu to display at the center of the screen by calculting th X/Y coordinates in “Options”, “Menu” tab.
From Helge.
Ref: https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/64980-gui-dropdown-tooltip/#entry410302
From Steffen:
It would be great to have the possibility to select which actions are shown in the Explorer context menus. For example, when right clicking on a folder in Explorer, I would like to have “Add Folder to Quick Access Popup menu Express” instead of “Add Folder to Quick Access Popup menu” (I know I could use Shift+Rightclick to get the Express entry, but I would prefer this entry at a simple right-click.) Maybe you could also abbreviate the entry: “Add Folder to QAP menu Express”.
2018-07-31: Considered out of scope at this time.
Following this suggestion from Carsten.
See BorisB post (#3)
2018-07-31 (JL): I did some work on it. It is possible to set mouse double-clicking as a trigger modifier. But this technique works and is easy to code in a standalone script when the hotkeys are saved inside the script itself. But it would be harder in QAP because it needs to save/retrieve the hotkeys selected by the user in the ini file.
See post from BorisB (#2)
See info about .msc applets:
.msc apps icons are not saved in the .msc file itself (as it is for applications). There must be a call in the registry to get the default icon.
No plan to work on this for now.
From Ravi Gautam on ghacks
Can you set double Click in empty white space as a Hotkey?
Comments from joby_toss on Portable Freeware forum
I’m also facing a small issue: I’m a “mouse only” guy and Middle Click hotkey to show the menu interferes with my internet browser (close tab, open link in new tab) and my files browser (open folder in new tab), so QAP is stealing it from those apps.
Would it be possible to combine 2 mouse buttons to show the menu (e.g. Middle Click while Right Button is pressed) ?
Thank you!
2018-07-31 (JL)
I did some research on it. It is possible to combine 2 mouse buttons as a trigger. But this technique works and is easy to code in a standalone script when the hotkeys are saved inside the script itself. But it would be harder in QAP because it needs to save/retrieve the hotkeys selected by the user in the ini file.
Suggestion from joby_toss on Portable Freeware forum
Basic clipboard manager (save last X copied items – files or text – for later pasting)
2018-07-31 (JL)
Interesting feature but out-of-scope for QAP. See Ditto or ClipJump.
From: http://code.jeanlalonde.ca/folderspopup/#comment-15338
Add a setting to hide paths that are not working (for example, when a USB drive not connected to the computer). Also add an option to hide empty submenus (if all paths under a submenu are hidden also hide the submenu). Those needs to be 2 different settings.
2018-07-31 (JL)
This would slow down menu refresh too much for value for most users, IMO.
From Marc W
2018-07-31 (JL): I did some work on it. It is possible to set mouse double-right-clicking as a trigger modifier. But this technique works and is easy to code in a standalone script when the hotkeys are saved inside the script itself. But it would be harder in QAP because it needs to save/retrieve the hotkeys selected by the user in the ini file.
Dialog box are usually identified with a class name “#32770”. Some apps use a different In Options, add a list of user-defined dialog boxes supported class names. User could run an app like WinLister to find unusual dialog box class names. One example is PDFSam dialog box class name “SunAwtDialog”.
Suggestion from RandomGuy001
Offer an option to open the to launch the FoldersPopup (or QuickAccessPopup) window upon mouse over of the icon in the system tray. This would be exactly the same as left-clicking the icon in the system tray now, only it would be launched by mouse-over instead. I have a program that I use (SE-TrayMenu) for this very purpose, shortcuts to common locations. If I could merge these two programs that would be indispensable!
2018-07-31 (JL)
I did some research on this old item in the wishlist. Solutions exits but seems quite complex for the additional user value, IMO.
Actually, most of Special folders names are read from Windows in its installed language. But for these exceptions (Pictures, Favorites, Templates, My Video and My Music) the name is determined by FP in the language active at the time of the Special folder creation. If user switch language later, the Special folders names are not updated to the new language. With this item is implemented, the names would be changed as QAP language is changed.