Can I create a favorite for an internal command (also called DOS commands) like DIR or XCOPY?

Yes. But creating an application favorite for a Windows/DOS built-in command (like dir, copy, rd, start, etc.) is a bit tricky. You have to create an Application favorite and insert as the application path:


This is an environment variable containing the path to the Console (or CMD) executable. Then, in the Advanced Settings tab, enter the following Parameters:

/k command param1 "param 2"
/c command param1 "param 2"

With “/k” the Console window remain open after the command is executed. With “/c”, it will be closed. “command” is the command you want to launch (“DIR” in the following example). And “param1” (etc.) are the parameters for the command. Enclose each of them in double-quotes if they include spaces.

In the following example, the DIR command is called to list the .EXE files in the current folder (“{cur_loc}” is replaced with the path of the folder on which you middle-clicked to open the QAP popup menu):