Welcome to Quick Access Popup BETA test

Thank you for testing the next version of Quick Access Popup (QAP).

The main goals of beta tests are to:

  • test new features and report bugs or comments
  • test if new features have any impacts on existing features (regression tests)

iconqap-betaThe beta releases are now available on the Beta users forum to users registered on this forum. This will allow more users to test the new or improved QAP features before they are made available to all users. If you are not registered, you can create your account. You will get access as soon as you confirm your registration in the confirmation email.

Take some time to read the Beta users forum Welcome Message at the top of this forum. Please report bugs or issues about the beta release features in the Beta users forum. But continue to use the public Quick Access Popup Support Forum to report bugs or send suggestions not related to the current beta release features.

IMPORTANT NOTE: When using a QAP beta release, I recommend to make frequent backups of your QuickAccessPopup.ini file (daily backups are created automatically during beta tests). I test each new release quite well but we never know. You may use the app in a way that I’ve not tested yet and find undiscovered bugs. This is why beta testing is so important and beta testers are so valuable.